angelshizuka · 6 months ago
I've let the trailer sit for a few days and I think this shot takes the cake for me of my fave thing in the trailer.
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I can't help it, I am absolutely WEAK for the protective/protected ship dynamic and to think (based on assumptions and theories) this is the first time Stolas is in real genuine danger AND Blitz actually being there risking his own life to defend him....
It's barely a second long, but I'm not even joking. I was meeting up with an irl friend today and I couldn't stop staring at it on my phone, so she was like "You good...?" (I'm not).
But there's a huge chance this takes place in the Sinsmas episode (again, based on assumptions and theories), which means we won't get to see the full scene until at least December, so excuse me while I fUCKING SCREAM!!?!
I will not surive S2.5, time to write my will...
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strikersexhaver · 1 year ago
Can you do it with other characters as well? Preferably blitzø, moxie, millie, loona, octavia, and stolas?
It can be romantic or platonic, whichever you're more comfortable with or which suits the character more.
Thank you again babes <3333
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(A/N) I love me some Striker, but I need to write some different characters LMAO! DW HE’S STILL IN HERE- I gotcha covered, I only write Via platonically however just as a heads up for anyone who wants more content of her specifically!
Helluva Characters with S/O giving them a bracelet!
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Blitzo 🐎
You were crafting a little bracelet for Blitzø, as a thank you for bringing you into this family- IMP, was like a newfound home for you.
Even if it was a business, the co-workers were great- (even Loona- at times)
You even started a relationship with Blitzø, there’s a lot of hard moments with it sometimes but you still loved him and he still loved you.
Even if the idea of love scared him.
Hell, it did to you too sometimes- but you wanted to show him, regardless you’d be there for him thick and thin.
You crafted this bracelet that had charms of things that reminded you of him.
From Blitzø’s love of horses, to the IMP crew itself- plus that fancy revolver he carries around.
You thought of charms that represented little inside jokes you two had. The whole sha’ bang.
It was great! You thought before slowly getting a tad bit anxious, you know it’s unlikely but maybe would he turn it down if it seemed too unprofessional even for him?
Would people not take him seriously if he had this on? Or? Maybe he just- wouldn’t like it?
Your thoughts weren’t allowed to fester too much as you were startled at the sound of a door bursting open.
It was the one and only, Blitzø coming in with a smile on his face and sparkles in his eye.
“You’ll never believe what just happened- I got to pet- a pony! There was one outside, just chillin’ about and I got my chance to pet it- it ran away, but still got the chance too!” He rambled on, “I even drew it.”
He showed you a picture of a pony, you chuckled and smiled before you were able to say a word he slid over to you.
“Oh whatcha doing?” He looked over your shoulder and you tried hiding the bracelet.
“Making a bracelet-“ you said, testing the waters to see how he’d react.
“What type of bracelet? If it’s a friendship bracelet- I’ll be offended if there’s not one for me- just sayin’ no pressure of course.” He jest, you think.
You took that as the A-okay to hand him the bracelet you were crafting for him, rocking back and fourth with a grin on your face.
He took the bracelet as his smile got smaller, with a soft genuine grin.
“I- Wow- this- really was for me-“ he turned the bracelet to see the charms and his tail gave a small wag,
“Heh it even has the horses I showed you.. “ he scratched his neck, then he perked up with an ever larger grin.
“I’m gonna show this to Mox and Mills, they’re gonna be jealous I bet you right now-!”
He grabbed your hand and rushed out of the room with you, you smiled that he enjoyed it so much and you saw how he kept it on him at all times.
Even in fights- that made you the happiest demon in hell…
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Millie 🪓
You thought about making something for Mills for a while kle now, but one of the main thing you thought of was- the main thing you knew how to do well for others.
Bracelets! You went out to get some charms, even made a few to fit her.
Getting one that was her iconic axe, a few things that reminded her of home and a black heart charm like the one on her shoulder.
You tried to make it a sweet as she was, yet fiery too because she was.
Making a little special thing for her made you happy, but it started feeling childish in some ways.
Dear Satan, when did anyone do this- outside of childhood? Y’all were adults now and, it felt kiddish to do this.
You debated on keeping it to yourself to save away from the embarrassment of giving it to her.
You scratched your head and sighed, looking around before putting away in a drawer.
Eventually you went off to do something else forgetting about for a while.
Till one day, you asked Millie to grab something for you out of your little work-station / desk, while you were distracted with what you were currently doing, you heard the pause of the searching of drawers.
Before you heard a gasp and her walking towards you-
“Did ya’… make this for me?” She looked at you with a large grin,
You blushed looking at the bracelet before nervously nodding.
“Y-yeah- it was supposed to be for you- I didn’t think you’d like it so I left it in ther-“
“Don’t like? Shug’ I love it! Anythin’ from ya’ I like? Ain’t cha’ realize that by now-!” she kissed your cheek with a smile before putting it on, doing a twirl while looking at her wrist.
“It’s so cute,” her tail wagged and she hugged you joyfully.
“I’m glad you like it!”
“I love it!” She peppered your face with kisses as she kept looking at it.
She loved it and you, to you- you wished you had given it earlier!
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Moxxie 🎭
Moxxie’s a sweetheart, and a passionate fella everyone knew that- especially you.
He made you smile, you to him and you loved hearing his voice as he passionately talked about the things he loved.
From theater to weaponry, anything really.
He liked that you listened to him, and didn’t tell him to be quiet on the things he liked as other demons did.
You two got together, and it couldn’t be better!
But one day you decided to put that all together and put into a bracelet as appreciation for him.
Using charms on the bracelets, from theaters he personally liked the most- one of his favorites being Phantom of the Opera.
You used the mask of that as a little charm, then you put a few sniper model charms on it too.
Making it a little themed one of him! For extra measure, you added a cute small bowtie charm as well.
Putting in love and adoration into the bracelet.
You got picky with it however, and personally kept readjusted things to make it better.
Before having a frustrated sigh and breathing out a whisper to yourself saying, “how could he like this?”
Moxxie heard you as he passed by you-
“Not like what?” He said with a curious yet comforting tone, he walked over to you and pur a hand on your shoulder.
“Hey if- anyone doesn’t like what you do for them- that’s on them, okay? It’s on them, I like what you do- I like anything you do.” He smiled at you and you looked at his smile, his contagious grin that made you even smile a bit.
You nodded,
“Thanks Mox, it’s just- I made this for you and-“ you handed the bracelet off to him.
He looked at it and a wide grin came on his face,
“This is incredible- the detail on this! The little- the little- is that the mask from, oh my- this is amazing!” He put it on still looking at it.
“Thank you-!” he gave you a sugar sweet hug and his tail wagged as his leg bounced up and down.
You hugged back and smiled, holding him tight as you were happy this happened.
How just a little mutter he paid attention to, and how he proved to you regardless he’ll like anything and be there through anything with you. 💕
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Loona 🐺
Loona you’ve always known to have a soft side underneath that aggressive and mean exterior, because she’s opened to you like that
She also can be an adorable dork, at times. It’s cute you’ve always liked that.
When you two got into a relationship, she was over the moon and happy about it- it wouldn’t be uncommon for her to even wag her tail when looking at you.
She’s even tried her best during arguments to calm down and not be mean, which is for her a lot of effort.
Albeit, today when you tried making her a bracelet you got a bit anxious she wouldn’t like it. Although you put as much love you had into it, putting all the things she liked into it.
Things you picked up with her, her enjoyments, her likings, plus all of the sweet things you two shared all into one as charms.
You had the beads be based on her eyes and fur, the colors of the moon.
You liked it and smiled at it, unfortunately you got a bit timid with showing her- you’ve seen how much she can dislike something.
Remembering that few times she’s smashed items she disliked because it pissed her off.
Even though she’s never expressed or acted like that to you, you fear if there ever is a day where that happens to you.
You looked at the bracelet and then looked at the reference image you used for the beads of you and Loona, you smiled at it then looked away.
Sighing you got up, with Loona you always have to try, in relationships in general you always have to try- she always tried, she did and you loved her for trying.
So, you got your courage and gave her the bracelet when you two met on your next date.
She looked at it, her tail started wagging erratically and her eyes widened with adoring shock.
She smiled, with her puppy eyes- she hugged you while trying to find the words to say.
“You know how much I love these little things! It has oh- you remembered that?” She chuckled, patting your back having her tail wag still.
“I look terrible for not giving you a gift this time, ugh- next date you’ll see-“
You smiled and hugged her, she perked up her body and her ears did.
She hugged back and her tail wrapped around you, the date went off to a great start- and if you wanna know it went great even till the end~ 💕
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Octavia 🦉 🪄
You were friends with Via for a long time now, pretty much being buds for life.
You two shared everything together, whenever Stolas got on her nerves or Stella- even just them together in general she was able to vent her frustrations to you then you the same to her.
You the same to her, she may have been pessimistic in situations but you brought out a certain optimism in her that she thought she couldn’t really bring back up since her situation with her parents.
You two were close, like two peas in a pod, and you honestly- forgot you two didn’t have anything like symbolizing that like other friends do.
Like friendship necklaces or friendships bracelets, so you made the ladder.
You bought some beads and charms, then got to work.
You made it based on astrology. One thing you knew she adored was the stars, always the stars, both her and her father had in common was that.
You even remember talking to her dad about them at one point with Via.
You finished the bracelet and smiled, before running off to hand it to Octavia whenever you had the chance to.
You made one of your own too, to match with her.
You feared a bit not from what Octavia thought but what Stella would think, because from what you know she’s picky on appearances and might pick at the bracelet and get her daughter in trouble.
So when you gave it to Via you reassured her you didn’t have to wear it all the time, maybe not even at all but just know that you’ll always be her friend.
She let out a happy hoot when she saw it and shook her head no
“Are you crazy? I’m literally gonna wear this- all the time! I love this, it’s amazing! I think my dad would like this too-“ She looked over it and put it on.
She hugged you, then took a photo of you two wearing them in a selfie.
Then posting it to her Voxstagram, smiling at this.
“Literally do not care if anyone- even my mum talks about it, I’m wearing this. It matches with my favorite shirt too!”
She hooted again and smiled, you were thrilled when she said that and happy about it- scared she’d get in trouble but regardless you two just knew you’d be there for her even if something like that happened. ✨
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Stolas 🦉 ✨
The way Stolas was, he honestly was appreciative of really- any nice thing that came to him.
His plants, his daughter, not his wife, and well- you.
He smiled at when you told him lovely things and he didn’t know how to respond, like how handsome he looked that day or how sweet he was.
His feathers puffed up- plus his heart skipped many beats, smiling at you with stars in his eyes. A faint blush over his face.
He was a passionate person with a loving heart that was just- something he wasn’t able to use, especially with his wife happening.
A relationship with you was controversial with the Goetia family, but he could care less as there wasn’t love in his ‘relationship’ with his wife anyway.
He smiled at the happiness he had with you.
You did too, it made you happy to see him happy and having instead of yearning for something positive.
You decided at one day, something small to give him would make him thrilled.
You made a bracelet that used a makeshift fake vine tying the bracelet together, with purple and blue beads.
Whilst using star-like charms on it to add to it altogether.
You spent a while on it, trying to make it look as fancy as possible to fit with his starry theme.
You got unsure if it would suit him or- if- if he would get in more trouble with Stella because of this.
It was lingering in the back of your head, but you wanted to give it to him because you know on weekends he’s lonely.
As weekends, Via is taken by Stella to her home.
So, during that time you visited him and as he welcomed you in with a smile. He was in his robe and you can tell he was- not doing the best that day.
You decided this was the best- you gave him the bracelet and he gave a loud hoot.
He took it and put it on without hesitation.
“You… made this… for me? Oh my, this is lovely- thank you, I’m cherishing this for the rest of eternity I swear-“
He smiled,
“You truly brighten my days even on the worst ones- i swear…”
He kneeled down (or just didn’t) to kiss you passionately and hug you tight spinning you around.
Stolas did NOT care if his wife got angered by it, he was getting a divorce anyway- let her be mad.
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Striker 🐍
The gunslinging cowboy of the wild Wrath, you were surprised that you were able to date him.
With how prideful he was, and how confident he was- plus he was wanted (legally) and by other demons. So him looking at you, made your heart flutter.
He liked you, hell- he loved you, found you different and unique to other demons.
When you let him into your life and you into his, he gave you a wild ride. From his job, to at home, anytime was a fun time with him. He let you know how much you loved him.
You smiled at him whenever you’ve seen him.
But this day, he was at work- off killing someone you luckily did not know.
You decided to make him a bracelet, something that was reminiscent of his cowboy and western loving style.
Having it be less- fancy, and more down-to-hell.
You added the snake theme to it with the bracelet itself, then added a charm of a demon horse (more resembling Bombproof)
His hat, plus little additions of his favorite western movies you found from stores. Thankful that they had it-
You looked at it, you knew he probably wouldn’t wear it in in public all too often.
Especially on the job, because looking intimidating and seeming so, was important- you didn’t mind that. What you did fear was if it- wasn’t good enough for him.
You knew how much his appearance meant to him, how much he avoided the idea of being soft or vulnerable.
So maybe that this bracelet would refuse that for you, you sighed when you realized that.
Little did you know- because you were so focused- he came home early and surprised you, by kissing you on the cheek and holding you from behind.
“Heya’ darlin’-“ he grinned, resting himself in your neck and having his tail rattle with a low hiss of satisfaction.
“I missed ya’ all damn day, fuck ya’ got no idea- this bitch refused to fuckin’ die-“
You chuckled a bit,
“Wouldn’t anyone?”
“Well ya’ but- it would’ve been less painful if they did-“ his tail lowered down.
You looked up at him, then the bracelet, and he looked down at you.
“Whatcha’ got there?”
You smiled nervously, then showed him the bracelet.
Looking at his face for his reaction.
He smiled and took the bracelet.
“I wanted to make you something, since I had the time to-“ he cut you off with a kiss and lifted you up, his tail wagged and rattled.
“Darlin’ I fuckin’ love you,” he peppered your face in kisses with a grin on his face.
“I knew you’d love those movies!” He cackled which brought a smile to your flustered face.
“I can’t wear it all the time but… do me a favor and wear it for me when I’m not around, ya’ got piece of me nailed down into a band,” he smiled a bit before pulling you to him.
You know he loved you and you him, this just made it even better for both of you 💕
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sp1derdads · 3 years ago
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blitzo ~ helluva boss layouts :))) like/reblog if saved!
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black-salt-cage · 2 years ago
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Stolitzo (Stolas x Blitzo / Helluva Boss) matching GIF icon sets
ଘ(੭*ˊᵕˋ)੭* ੈ♡‧₊˚ free to use with credit!
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pwrluvrs · 3 years ago
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( 📂 ) HELLUVA BOSS LAYOUTS ?? ヽ (* > 、 ^ *)
(# > <)ㅤ☆ 💭— Like/reblog if u save/use
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littleimps · 3 years ago
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Stolas, this is a really bad time!
HELLUVA BOSS 1.01 | Murder Family
» for @horny-demon-owl
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bitchinbadchoices · 4 years ago
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Blitzo 2/?
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weirdhappycigarette · 4 years ago
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This will never not be funny.
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bcdwclves-a · 3 years ago
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Fuck it, I’m gonna add in Toga into the Special Request category of my Bestiary, for the more, uh, special dubcon threads. 
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mogai-sunflowers · 3 years ago
a charactergender/charagender related to blitzo from helluva boss! also known as blitzogender (that name was coined by @cupcake-pixie​ here)
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[Image ID: A flag with nine equally-sized horizontal stripes. From top to bottom, the colors are black, navy blue,deep grey-blue, blood red, golden yellow, blood red, deep grey-blue, navy blue, and black. There is an icon of blitzo from helluva boss in the center of the flag. End ID.]
alternate blitocharic/blitzgender flag (designed here)-
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[Image ID: A flag with seven equally-sized horizontal stripes. From top to bottom, the colors are bright red, slightly darker red, black, white, black, and then the same two red stripes as from the top of the flag. There is a symbol in the center of the flag. It is a pastel-red circle outlined by a maroon outline. There is a black symbol in the center of this circle. End ID.]
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term and flag by me, requested by anon :D
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hazbincalifornia · 3 years ago
So beta!Blitzo was only in the Hazbin pilot for a couple of seconds, and in that time he blinked with both eyes separately with blank, open mouth and then stared at Charlie's ass approvingly before turning to the camera.
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radi0activesmile · 3 years ago
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hxdrostorm asked:
👑 + Moxie? Blitzo? -- is that the demon boss from Helluvah boss!
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Hello, love of my life! Yes, Blitzo’s the boss. :> I think he’s the one you said was cute when I showed you the pilot?
I enjoy Moxxie’s theatre-nerd attitude and he’s a character I like seeing around, but I think he’s too straight-laced for me to write? If I tried, I feel like it’d come out really condescending towards him.
HAVE I EVER BEFORE: YES / NO - I got roped into writing him on Discord. I don’t know if I’m all that good at it but I enjoy doing it. He’s a fun character! ^^
Icon and writing sample: 
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Okay so I was a few paragraphs into a writing sample when tumblr did that refresh thing it likes to do from time to time and it’s ALL GONE and I’m tired. Q.Q So I leave you with this icon that took me way longer than it should have to make, because I tried out a bunch of other designs that all came out too busy. Soo I decided to give him the little Beanie Baby horse he has on his not-strictly-canon-but-implied-to-be-semi-accurate Instragram.  
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fallonfish · 3 years ago
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I posted 17,675 times in 2021
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I added 296 tags in 2021
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#certified iconic post - 35 posts
#world heritage post - 30 posts
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#don’t rb - 13 posts
#cookie run kingdom - 12 posts
Longest Tag: 140 characters
#plus i don’t feel like potentially explaining to my family why that came in the mail since i don’t get much interest he mail addressed to me
My Top Posts in 2021
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177 notes • Posted 2021-11-09 03:03:30 GMT
one thing that annoys be about fanon representations of certain jojo characters is that people seem to forget/ignore the fact theyre fucking weird
like, kakyoin fed a baby its own shit. avdol invited polnareff to piss on a guy with him. bruno put fingers and an eyeball in giorno's mouth. abbacchio saw a 15 year old and instantly thought "im gonna make this kid drink my piss". johnny canonically has a fetish for bug bites. hayato films his parents for some reason. anasui killed his gf because he enjoys taking things apart. you cant shove these characters into a specific trope and expect them to not come off as ooc. you cant just look at characters kakyoin and bruno and think "uwu soft baby". while im guilty of reading and enjoying content in which these characters are ooc, its frustrating when people begin to think thats what the characters are genuinely like. pretty much all jojo characters (there are VERY few exceptions) and weird, if not batshit crazy. its fine to fit a character into a trope, but dont take away everything that makes the character interesting and unique
180 notes • Posted 2021-08-16 18:39:29 GMT
665 notes • Posted 2021-06-15 16:53:29 GMT
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Happy 20 year part 5 anniversary
678 notes • Posted 2021-03-29 16:12:19 GMT
Blitzo: literally fucking dying
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3380 notes • Posted 2021-08-21 19:38:59 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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bitchinbadchoices · 4 years ago
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Blitzo gifs 3/?
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tweekvampir · 2 years ago
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fav/reblog if you use or save <3
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thesilliestcreatureevr · 2 years ago
made some matching icons from the new Helluva Boss episode!
like or reblog if you use them please!
credit is appreciated but not needed!
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